Board Meeting Notes – May 16, 2023

In attendance:

Jackie Baker, Brian Zimmer, Brian Cone, Karl Shuman, Ryan Cobourn

Brian Zimmer is very serious Robert’s Rules of Order.

  • Secretary report.
    • Review the minutes of the TWO previous meetings since we didn’t review March last meeting
    • BZ motioned to approve last two minutes. BC seconded.
  • Treasurer’s report.
    • BALANCE: $3856.51 – ledgers balance
      • Cache paid their sponsorship check. $250 
    • Received invoice from hyperthreads for $485.81
      • 10×10 tent roof $425, plus tax, plus $30 shipping.  I remember the quote being less… I will look into this prior to the meeting.
    • Have not received invoice for D&O insurance but we are covered.
      • USAC: charged $225 to become USAC club; $450 for insurance that covers up to 50 members.
  • Membership Report.
    • 32 count with sponsor memberships
  • Ride Report.
    • For inclusive rides, consider trails and all abilities. Be clear about what is being ridden and what is offered.
    • Social Sunday ride: 9 people from Salt Fire to Zoo
    • Cinco de Mayo: around 10 people 
    • PC Grand Opening – MS 150 would like info about road rides when we get them going.
      • Basin Rec and trail maintenance.
    • Mesa Verde: happened. Woolie, Brian/Lauren, Sarah K, etc podiumed
    • Ryan Miller, Ryan Cobourn were also on teams and had fun
    • Regular Sat ride scheduled from PC store
      • June 3 National Trails Day @ Trails Foundation of Northern UT Ogden
  • Volunteer/community report.
    • Made contact with SLC public lands
      • Pull myrtle spurge; send query to find out when members are available.
  • Old business.
    • Vote on bylaws
      • BC motioned to approve. RC seconds. Motion carries. 
  • New business.
    • BZ thinking about scheduling Salt Fire brew night
  • No meeting until August. Will schedule it at the end of July.


[email protected] finalize 2022 taxes

Add volunteer hours and matching donation messaging to the website 

  • Membership contact list
    • Google sheet of those who have opted in to sharing contact info is added to membership portal.
    • Emails and names only.
  • Members lists updated
    • Keep adding folks from waivers to membership leads list
    • Opportunities to drive membership
      • May 13 Bingham Cyclery Park City Grand Opening
        • KaFoundationrl may be able to attend. 
      • June 3 National Trails Day @ Trails  of Northern UT Ogden
      • Need to create an easier widget for website to update calendar.
      • PUSH NICA clothing donations
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